
Research interests

Reviewer of peer-reviewed scientific journals

Completed projects

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DynStrainS - Dynamic strain sensors in structural health monitoring - 2011-2014

I was working on the calibration of advanced damage laws (implicit gradient damage approach) for concrete by means of experimentally obtained global and local displacements measurements. Moreover, the efficient simulation of the dynamic behavior of damaged concrete structures was of high interest. [more]

Fadless key

FADLESS - Fatigue damage control and assessment for railway bridges - 2009-2012

I was directly involved in preparation and execution of long-term vibration monitoring experiments, definition of optimal sensor location, and assessment of continuous monitoring data. [more]


DETAILS - DEsign for opTimal assessment of high-speed rAILway bridges by enhanced monitoring systems - 2006-2009

I was directly involved in preparation and execution of short-term vibration monitoring experiments, model updating of bridges, damage detection of bridges, and assessment of continuous monitoring data. [more]

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SAFERELNET - Safety and Reliability of Industrial Products, Systems and Structures - 2001-2006

I was directly involved in the assessment and life extension of existing structures and industrial plants, Bayesian reassessment of structures, and the state-of-the-art report about the assessment strategy in the building sector. [more]